Sunday, November 28, 2004

Fisherman Horizon...

Final Fantasy plays a major role in creating the peace of mind that I need at times just by listening to some of the songs for instance “Eyes on Me” and “Melodies of Life”. I feel at ease just by listening to the music while closing my eyes with the lights in my room switched off. Only darkness surrounds me and the songs accompany me through it all. This is one of the ways that I can put my mind at rest without getting bored by listening to the music playing over and over again. Oh yes, there is another song that works just as effective, Kenny G’s saxophone version of Titanic.

Final Fantasy 8 is virtually created but the events occurred in the game are simply sensational. There are love at first sight, ballroom dance, dark secrets, unrequited love, friendship, life of an orphan, rivalry, pursuing dreams, protecting someone important, adventure and promise. These are just some of the highlights and wonders of Final Fantasy mixed together to form a storyline. These events do happen in our daily lives but when you combine them together it really becomes a masterpiece. What’s important is the message that the events are trying to portray. This way, we can appreciate the game and its makers.

My favourite events are the ballroom dance, sunset walk along Fisherman Horizon, stranded in space, the rescue of heroine and the promise the hero and heroine made. I wish I can write all about them in detail but maybe the readers will get tired of it. So I’ll just explain the sunset walk that gives me the inspiration to name this online diary. Well, the hero tried to look for ways to cure the heroine’s unconscious state. He could only find the cure on another foreign frontier, so he took off with the sleeping heroine on his back leaving his friends behind during one evening. He has to cross the long, damaged railway that connects Fisherman Horizon with the frontier. He took a rest along the way and talk about himself to the unconscious heroine. He mentioned why he prefers to be alone and branded cold guy and it is the only time he talked this way. He knew she couldn’t reply or hear anything he said but I guess this is the only time he is so sincere towards the heroine. It was the turning point of the events that happened later. He continued his walk to unknown lands with the sunset accompanying the both of them till he met his other friends who had actually arrived there much earlier knowing that he would leave them behind.

Yeah, so I guess that is all. It is up to you to comprehend this event and link it with my purpose to name this online diary Fisherman Horizon.

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