Sunday, February 12, 2006

Lost In Transition...

Sometimes, I find myself in a spot where I have to do things that I am meant to do and not those that I would like to. Since young, I have never thought of becoming a scientist or a researcher, in fact, I have never wanted to get involved in the science career at all. Despite these, here I am in the science stream, just doing my duty as a science stream student. I find the call of duty to be something I am responsible for so I can't just turn away because it is true that qualifications in science stream will ensure a range of faculty in the university.

Through self-evaluation, I feel that I'm more inclined to the arts compared to science. In addition, I do like history, some elements of geography and social studies and such. And this can be reflected vividly with the grade I accomplished for combined humanities. This realization surfaced when I first found out my grades and it bothered me because I knew the extent of difficulty and demands if I chose science subjects.

Yet, I still chose science stream in the end. Why? Simply because I think my future lies not on the things that I want to do but things that I have to. It is not easy being the eldest child and heir to carry on the family name to choose which path to take. I'm somehow find myself in a similar spot as my father when he was around my age. He could have chosen subjects that he loved, mathematics, for his future career, instead he went into finance, banking and management field because he was the eldest son as well as to set the standards for his younger siblings. I believe that he did that because of the job stability and the comparatively rewarding salary to support his family. To him, it was his main priority and nothing else not even his passion is going to change his mind.

So perhaps, I'm meant to venture the path that he had taken before. Sacrificing something you like can be a hard pill to swallow but if other benefits for the sake of the next generation can be reaped, then I guess it is already decided. People say that we can be anything if only we dare to dream and make it happen. But at what expense so long as you are happy with it? Some may comment that I have a rigid and traditional way of thinking but it has been proven time and again that having a career suited to your passion need not necessarily guarantee monetary stability but it does provide life fulfillment. I have got a living and breathing example next to me who had taken the bitter medicine and survived it all so I guess it is just natural to follow that beacon.

In conclusion, this is my duty that I am meant to carry out. It can be a burden for some but to me, this duty is a noble one, because if it is not, then my father would not have accomplished so much to provide for my family. Because of his sacrifice, the next generation is having a better life than he used to have. I can only repay him by lifting the weight off his shoulder when the time comes and placing it on mine till I'm able to pass it on to the next generation. Maybe, this is what continuing the family name is all about, self-sacrifice for the benefit of others...

This is a real account of the author. This account is inspired by "Superhuman Me" by Eternal Loop.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Power... Am I looking for 'power'?
The O level result is out and I felt powered when I looked at my result slip. It wasn't the best but I knew I have done what I could and so I felt a sense of pride in myself although I knew there were others who did extremely well.

English - B3
Combined Humanities - A1
Mathematics - A1
Additional Mathematics - A2
Physics - B3
Chemistry - A2
Biology - A2
Higher Mother Tongue - B3

L1R5 = 11, Bonus pts = 4
Grand total = 7

Some may argue that it isn't a good grade at all but to me, the value of a person is not measured by how good their grades are, it is measured by their character. The most important thing right now is to wait for the posting result. I don't know if 7 points is enough to get me to where i want to go. But wherever I am going later, I'm just going to do my best. Accept what is already decided for it relfects your limitations and to accept limitations is human.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Here I am... Waiting...

Time... it will not wait. Time... it will keep moving. Time... it will keep us running. Time... it will never be found again once lost. Time... time will tell what should be revealed to us. It is just a matter of time for me, for you and for all of us.

Time... it shall not wait for me. But time is what we are all waiting for.

Time... it will not wait but the time will come when it is supposed to. For now, I can only wait for time will tell eventually so here I am... waiting...