Friday, July 09, 2004

People All Around Me...

As we all know, no one is 100% a loner nor not having people who you call friends. That goes the same for me. I'm quite a loner by nature, prefers things going my way and being introverted. It is when you are all alone, you feel a strange comfort inside... A feeling of not being disturbed, just you and mother nature. Perhaps watching sunsets from afar...

But sometimes, the loner feels loneliness rather overwhelming for him to handle. That is when someone should appear adding colours to the loner's world. Once found can never be lost because loner wants to preserve whatever he thinks he needs.

People all around me are adding colours to my life. Their smiles, joys and sorrows prove to be invaluable in one's life although most of the time we care less looking deeper on what we actually gain by knowing these people. To me, people who I call friends are special in their own ways. Some encourage, some share the similar opinions while others just sticks to you. It is when we are close with our friends, we discover a part of us in them... And their part on us. In the end, both parties will walk along the same path, achieving a common goal and sometimes to an extent of choosing life and death together.

People around us make us realize that world is created with different colours of human characters and personalities. We may not like certain people but still their personalities make them stand out from the rest. With this, I'd like to acknowledge people who make a difference in my life. I want to thank you for making a loner, a better man who can be accepted and respected by all...

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